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Normal Members

Normal Members is able to:​

1.  以會員價參與活動

2. 公佈一至兩個projects

3. 提供資源

4. 可以享用或試用DreaMore資源:

A) 論壇

B) 分會創立

C) 舉辦活動


1. Joining events in discounted

2. Posting your projects in 1 to 2.

3. Offer Resources

4. Enjoy and Try out DreaMore resources:

A) Forums​

B) Chapters

C) Host events

Academy Students

Academy students able to:

1. 登入DreaMore Academy

2. 直接上堂

3. 得到學習進度計劃表

4. 加入學習群,跟導師直接對話。

1. Enter the DreaMore Academy

2. Direct Courses online

3. Get the Action Plan for the studying or Dreams

4. Join the Study Group and Talk with Teachers directly.

Dream Chasers

DreamChasers(Enhanced Members) able to:

1. 所有Normal Members 權利

2. 集中資源包

3. 合作伙伴模式

4. Projects 更多福利


1. All rights that is from Normal Members

2. Supporting Kit

3. Partnership

4. More benefits in Projects

*It is required to join the training or interview.

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