Feb 19, 2017
Online TV show with OpenmediaHK
League of Dream 追夢者
League of Dream, 追夢者。是一個雲集不同追夢者的網台節目,當中分享不少追夢者的故事以及熱門話題,一句到尾,追夢,你覺得做唔做到呢?
Fanspage: https://www.facebook.com/HkLoDC/

Feb 19, 2017
Online Learning Platform
DreaMore Academy
受到Ken Robinson先生的啟發,我們發現教育制度在學術教育上太狹隘,而且沒有太多的學生可以自己。就像愛因斯坦說的,每個人都是一個天才,但如果你判斷一條魚的能力爬上一個 樹,它會過著一生,相信它是愚蠢的。我們的情況下,如果我們在學術上有一個大失敗,我們一定相信我們的生活將會注定。然而,是真的嗎?
Inspired by Sir Ken Robinson,we find that the education system is being too narrow on academic education and not too much students can be themselves.Like what Albert Einstein said,everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.Same case as us,if we have a big fail on the academic,we surely believe that our life is going to be doomed.However,is it real?
This is the reason that we created this academy,not only helping all of you to find yourself,but also teaching you to find your advantages and knowledge to achieve your dreams.
Reference: http://dmahk.weebly.com/about.html
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