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Training  訓練重點

自身電池  Battery


A single spark can start a prairie fire. Every friend will face frustration and mini, causing us to turn off. This is like a cell phone, no electricity, need to charge, and we will turn your heart into a charger, you can not charge when you have no electricity, you can also use electricity to help others fill.

追夢素質  Dream Chasers


Dream Chaserand dream of the biggest difference, that is, the quality of dreams, so that we often do not often the number of resources, but the psychological quality of people, and dream also need the right quality.

追夢思維  Mindset of Dream

由Resource-Less 變成Resourceful 不是代表多了資源,而是足智多謀,善用身邊的資源及方法,讓你的追夢路程更加成功。

From Resource-Less becomes Resourceful is not on behalf of more resources, but resourceful, make good use of the resources and methods around, so that your dream journey more successful.

共享資源  Shared Resources


Resources may be the problem of most of the dreamers, but everyone has a Jinshan, and we can share with each other, complement each other, the practice of dreams.

DreaMore Camp


2. 共享資源,善用彼此的資源來成就。
3. 追夢文化,人人都有夢想,互相支持及願意付出。


Dream is a team sport, how to dream depends on your success.

Main training three main points:
1. Dream of quality and the face of things, such as confusion, frustration and a sense of accomplishment.
2. To share resources and make good use of each others resources.
3. Dream dream culture, everyone has a dream, support each other and willing to pay.

DreaMore camp, count on you

夢想學 DreaM-Logy (Dream Is Work!)

January 03, 2023




Dream is Work!!
Hope to inspire more people dream.

It is divided into three parts:
- What is a dream? (Recognize yourself, recognize the dream)
- the way to dream
- Acts make the dream great

You want to make yourself, become a future will be proud of people, get people around the encouragement and clapping, or after a few years later, regret life?





-- 財務自由是神話?我們真的無從入手?
-- 財務自由的達成方法
-- 我的財務自由方程式


Decade of financial freedom

Financial freedom is not a miracle or a myth that can be practiced through planning and action.

Object for a friend who wants financial freedom

- financial freedom is myth? We really can not start?
- Method of achieving financial freedom
- My Free Financial Formula

Financial freedom requires some financial knowledge, many people think that is not, but only because of ignorance caused by the decision, not the fact.

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